Toddler Child-minder Activities for Holidays

As a 10-year homeschooling mom of four, I know about multitasking with kids. The hardest age of child to keep productively occupied is toddler. Maybe I should rephrase "productive" to "occupied in parent-approved ways." Our kids were always productively employed, at least in their minds. From a parent's view it looked like mess-making. And during the holidays it only gets worse. More work, antsy kids, abnormal schedules, added events make it more challenging to keep a toddler in check. Here are parent-friendly, child-minder holiday activities. Read more

Best Christmas Gifts for Toddlers, Preschool Children

Choosing gifts for preschool children isn't always easy. You want a toy that's sturdy, multi-use and will stimulate creativity. If a child has Autism Spectrum Disorder, choosing the right gift may seem impossible. I teach autistic and emotionally impaired children and here is my list of best gifts for children with autism. Actually, these gifts are  appropriate for any toddler or preschool child. These toys build developmental skills (fine motor, gross motor, eye hand coordination). They also provide tactile, kinesthetic and oral stimulation so needed by young child. Best Gifts for Autistic Children


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